Addiction is ComplicatedNo one is arguing the fact that addiction is complicated. If it were easy none of us would be here looking for help. As a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor working with substance abuse patients and their families for nearly a decade - I've made it my life's mission to help those struggling with addiction and equally as importantly, supporting the family who love them. Often times, family members really just want to understand the world that their loved one is living in. It's irrational, illogical, harmful and hurtful. Frankly, it doesn't make any sense and those who try to understand it end up hurting their heads.
Unfortunately, even the person struggling with an addiction usually doesn't have a lot of insight or understanding to offer, especially if they haven't been working with a counselor or participating in a program for an extended period of time. While each family's story is unique they all have striking similarities. All or Nothing Thought Distortion Also Known as Black and White ThinkingUnderstanding this cognitive distortion is usually fairly simple to comprehend. We all know someone that is rigid in their thinking. It's their way or the highway. If you don't know someone like that - it may be that you are that someone. Life is not black and white there are beautiful shades of grayRescue Dogs and RecoveryPet therapy is a trending topic these days. What started out as emotional support dogs has grown to encompass a whole array of animals. For the strangest support animals you can think of check out this article by Mariel Loveland "10 Weirdest Emotional Support Animals that People have Actually Owned" But do support animals really help?What does it mean to Catastrophize?Catastrophizing is a common thought distortion. Catastrophizing simply means thinking irrationally about the worst possible outcome of an action or event. It can also involve making a very big deal out of something minor. For example: You overslept this morning. Your automatic thought is "The whole day is ruined! My boss is going to write me up. I'm definitely going to lose my job. I might as well not even go into work today." That escalated quickly!Which is a common indication of catastrophizing. If you catch yourself going from zero to ten, take a step back and question if you may be making a bigger deal than what is warranted. Catastrophizing, like all other thinking errors, tends to ignore a lot of the facts. But that's why they're an error. And like any other error, they can be corrected. So how would you correct our first example?
AuthorSubstance Abuse Counselor Archives
February 2025