5 Tips for Ringing in the New Year without Ruining Your RecoveryIt's hard to believe this year is coming to a close, but I guess we say that pretty much every year. The days go by slow, but the years go by fast. Whether you are in active addiction, reevaluating your relationship with drugs or alcohol, or searching for tips to help you continue on your recovery journey - it is our prayer that 2022 be the year you seek God and rid yourself of anything that doesn't grow you closer to him. What is weighing you down?No obstacle we encounter, no difficulty we endure, nothing, absolutely nothing is too big for God. There is not a concern too small that he doesn't care. There is not an issue too large that he is not in control. Yes, he is sovereign over everything. So what problem are you experiencing that Jesus can't solve? Friendship is important in all stages of life, but it is especially essential when we face struggles we are not equipped to handle on our ownGod did not put us on this Earth alone.
We are here to do life together. He gave us his Son as an example of how we are to live and love. He gave us the Holy Spirit as our guide. And he graciously gifted us friendship with those we've chosen to spend our time with. Let Your Joyful Presence be Your PresentThis list is a simple reminder of what we should truly focus on this Christmas season. As our favorite holiday is fast approaching let's take a few moments to slow down and remember what Christmas is all about. |
AuthorSubstance Abuse Counselor Archives
February 2025