Recovery is RealMeet Rachel Name: Rachel Age: 42 Location: Currently Rockford, IL originally from Pickneyville, IL Children: Son, Jordan -18 and daughter, Olivia - 16 Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 43:2 Her Story
Your Praying Friend is looking for inspirational stories to share with the world. Yours could be chosen as our nextSunday Spotlight Each of us have a life story filled with experiences that have cultivated us into the people we are today. So what's your story? What significant events have shaped you? What values define you? What characteristics describe you and why? What trials have you encountered and overcame? What makes your story unique and inspirational? Use your life lessons to encourage others! We want to get to know you! How Sharing Your Story is Beneficial to Both You and the Listener
Cast Your Cares on GodDo you have 30 seconds to spend with Jesus today?
His word tells us to cast our cares on him, because he cares for us. Let's take him up on such a gracious offer! Today's message is one of hope. Hope for the person with an addiction. Hope for the loved ones of the person addicted. Hope for the adulterer and the abused. Hope for the anxious and the angry. Hope for the backslidden and the broken. Hope for the depressed and the downtrodden. Hope for the guilty and the gang member. Hope for the hurting and the hopeless. Hope for the imprisoned and the insecure. Hope for the lost and the lonely. Hope for marriages and the mistreated. Hope for the powerless and the proud. Hope for the resentful and the remorseful. Hope for the sick and the suffering. Hope for the community, the country, and the whole world. Hope for today, tomorrow, and forever. We have God. We have hope. Let's Pray
Healthy Coping SkillsAfter nearly a decade of being in the Social Work world, I've probably heard and used the words "coping skills" at least a million times. So what are coping skills and how on Earth are they going to help you through your loved one's addiction? A coping skill can be anything. Literally anything. We all have coping skills. Some are healthy, some are not so healthy. The goal of any coping skill is to ease whatever hurt we are experiencing. But the goal of a healthy coping skill is to ease the hurt, while at the same time promoting safety and wellbeing. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have some useful tools that you could utilize during times of intense difficult emotion that would not only get you through the struggle, but leave you better off in the long run?
Quotes to Live byWords are powerful. They can lift us up or tear us down.
There is more than enough negativity going on in our world. Let's start this week with inspirational verses and sayings that will speak life into our soul! Serenity Prayer Thought tor the Day Acceptance is knowing that God has a plan and that I don't have to know the details to trust Him. I just need to read His word and Follow His direction.
Reflect on that for a moment. Then ask yourself, "What does acceptance mean to me?" Is your mind full of anxious thoughts? To-do lists for today and worries about tomorrow? Let's try to declutter our minds through the practice of mindfulness. 3 Must Try Mindfulness Activities
AuthorSubstance Abuse Counselor Archives
September 2024