Do Something Different This Year!Every year millions of cards are shared around the world. While you spend your precious time searching for just the right design, picking up one card after another, battling the lady in the aisle that separates you from the card you want and weaving in and out of the way of others until ultimately you settle for one that seems to portray your heart (decently enough). All for what?To present a card that will be appreciated for approximately 30 seconds. We all know the recipient will likely only take a moment to read it just to be polite. And ultimately the sad reality remains that nearly all of the cards you gift this season will end up in a drawer or trash can, even if you just sent out the run of the mill "buy it by the box" set of cards. It's down right wasteful! Instead Give Something Your Friends and Family Can Actually Use!This adorable nativity scene notebook (found here) is the perfect way to ensure that we keep Jesus at the center of our celebration, while also giving a practical gift that will be useful and visible, as opposed to the drawer of hidden cards (we all have at least one). And if you don't have one we know where you put yours! Start A New Tradition
AuthorSubstance Abuse Counselor Archives
May 2024