Quotes to Live byWords are powerful. They can lift us up or tear us down. There is more than enough negativity going on in our world. Let's start this week with inspirational verses and sayings that will speak life into our soul! Oftentimes we are so consumed by how we believe other people should act or think that we don't take a moment to step back and reflect on whether or not we are even holding ourselves to that standard. What would our world look like if we lived out this quote: Be the change you want to see in the world Challenge yourself to consider what is missing from your community. And then proactively fill that void. Is there litter on the ground? Are your elderly neighbors lonely? Is there a young, single mother that could use some mentoring? There are so many ways we can improve our small piece of the world around us. If we each do our part it will have a large impact on the larger world we live in. If you need some ideas on how to get started click here. And make sure to get your kids involved! The children of today are the future of tomorrow. They are our next generation of leaders, law makers, legacy keepers. They are not born knowing right from wrong. God has entrusted us with that responsibility. Will we prove to be trustworthy guardians? When reflecting on how to disciple your children consider this: Aren't you grateful that God loves you enough to correct you? When He sees you wandering off course He doesn't leave you there. He gently, or sometimes not so gently, corrects your path. As responsible, loving, influential adults, we must do the same for the children in our lives. If we love them, we will correct them. A loving authority cares enough to protect and educate them about what is acceptable and unacceptable. An unloving authority will allow them to live however they feel is right. You may have heard someone say or even have said yourself "Follow Your Heart" Is that really sound advice? If we can't trust our own heart, who can we trust?! You can trust Jesus! When Jesus Christ is our firm foundation, we have nothing to fear. Difficulties will surely come, but our strength is renewed. Trials may test us. But joy comes in the morning. Sadness may strike us. Grief may grab a hold. Anger may rear its ugly head. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can separate us from the love of Jesus. When we believe that, like truly believe that, our life starts to change. Just as a parent may become disappointed or upset with the choices or actions of their child, so does our Heavenly Father, but a parent (Earthy or otherwise) never stops loving their child. In turn, this motivates a child to make decisions that are pleasing to their parents. The more secure we feel in our relationship with God, the more we seek Him and His will for our life. In life we have the choice to prioritize what is most important and what is not as important. Is God first in your life? God is for us and not against us. He wants to see us succeed and bring glory to His kingdom. He will provide! The Beatitudes God grow us, change us, make us more like You! He is trustworthy! Faith is not blindly following. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. But the greatest of these is love. Just in case you need a reminder God is in control Let's start this week off right! Preach!! We hope you enjoyed today's message. Brighten someone's day, share with a friend! Let's Pray Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you for this new week, your words of wisdom to direct our decisions, help us to make wise choices as we go about our days. We thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit living inside our hearts. We are humbled and so very grateful that you loved us enough to sacrifice Your one and only son on the cross. Help us to never take our salvation for granted. Help us to instead work to spread Your Word and tell everyone the Good News! Please be with all of us as we go to work, raise our families, travel, etc. I pray for the health and wellness of each person praying this prayer with us. God if there is any need, any need at all, we pray that You meet that need. We thank You in advance! We praise Your Holy Name! In Jesus Name we pray. Amen Until Next Time,
Your Praying Friend
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February 2025