Welcome to our fifth and final post of our five week series: Surrendering Our Health. We're happy you've joined us! If this is your first time here - we hope you'll take a look back at the previous posts to pray for all areas of our health. So far we have prayed for physical, mental, emotional, and financial healing. Today we will conclude with praying for spiritual wellbeing. Let's get started! As I prayed that God would provide me the words to write I continued to hear the phrase: "It is well with my soul." I searched online to find the meaning of that phrase. Was it somewhere in the Bible or did the lyrics in my head echo so familiarly that it felt like words from God? What I found was that a prominent man named Horatio Gates Spafford penned the famous hymn It is Well with My Soul in the 1800's when he lost the remaining four of his children to a shipwreck. You can listen to the song performed by Sovereign Grace Music here. (I do not have rights to this music) In the midst of the most difficult time in his life - he chose to trust in the Lord. How many of us can say the same? Will we question God in his sovereign judgement or will we have faith and believe that no matter what may come our way we will say "It is well with my soul"? Is the ability to declare those words so confidently what it means to truly have spiritual wellness? Will we be like Paul in his letter to the Philippines? Will we learn to be content in all circumstances? That is an amazing example of a well spirit! I pray that we will. But what if our spirit isn't well. What if we face more struggle than success, more trial than triumph? What if our spirit is under attack and the enemy is working long hours to fight for our soul? Then what? Then we fight back with the almighty power of God! Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world! 1 John 4:4 Let's Pray Dear Heavenly Father, We pray for a peace in our spirit. An overwhelming peace. An undeniable comfort that is so joy- filled it is contagious. Lord, we pray that you will give us the faith of Horatio and the confidence of Paul. Lord grant us the fruits of your spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. Let us bear good fruit. Prune our spirits of all unrighteousness. May we sing to Jesus in our time of struggle. Casting out all fear and allowing our praise to confuse the enemy. May we boast ever more gladly in times of hardship and persecution. May we always, always remember that you are working for our good each time we seek your will! May we come to rely so completely on your word that we are all the more ready to declare - IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL! In Jesus Name, Amen God is reaching out to you today. Will you reach back? If you've never given your heart to Jesus we invite you to pray the Sinner's Prayer with us: Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. Amen. If you prayed this prayer today - share the great news! Comment below or send us an email by clicking on this link. We'd love to rejoice with you!!
2/25/2021 07:01:22 am
This is a really lovely series for anyone from a religious background x
Your Praying Friend
2/25/2021 11:02:43 am
Thanks, Louise! God bless you!
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September 2024